I've Postponed my wedding, now what?

We all know that the decision to postpone your wedding is the most responsible and sensible one right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s not still a disappointing and heart breaking one, and we know it has been for so many- which breaks our hearts too!
Don't beat yourself up for feeling sad, allow yourself some time to grieve the date you had dreamed of and planned for so long.
There are many challenges that come from this and emotions to follow, and that’s why we want to do our best and offer you our expert guidance on what to do next…
Once you've given yourself some time to feel sad remember your wedding day is postponed not cancelled, and all of your family and friends will be so excited to celebrate with you when they can. In fact this extra waiting (and extra planning time) will make the celebration all the more joyous, and there will be so many more reasons to party after all this is done!
In fact your wedding may not be on the date you originally planned but it is very likely to be even better than the original…
Now here’s a few tips from Team E on what to do after postponing your wedding;
Let your suppliers know
Once you have made the decision to postpone and set a new date for the day, you should then begin informing all of your wedding suppliers (we have been in contact with all of our regular suppliers here to chat about postponed weddings and have had many helpful and supportive conversations)
You might want to do this personally over the phone to explain the situation and gain some immediate answers.
We’re all in the same boat which therefore means your suppliers will most likely be facing the same obstacles with movement of dates and flexibility.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen a tremendous amount of support in the wedding industry and a united ‘we will do everything we can’ attitude from wedding suppliers we know well and work with.
Tell your guests
Now that you have dealt with dates and admin it’s time to tell your nearest and dearest. A hard task but one that everyone will understand (and probably be very grateful for- no longer having to make the choice to put themselves at risk or miss your wedding day) and move mountains to make sure they are with you, whatever day of the week or time of the year!
Start off with your closest family and friends; those who are part of your wedding party or have a big involvement in the day as they may be able to help with calling around as, depending on the size of your guest list, this may be a hard task to undertake all by yourself.
Again, letting guests know sooner rather than later will mean that they can make all necessary arrangements with travel and accommodation. If you have already sent out wedding invites and don’t want the cost of doing it again, why not follow up with an electronic ‘Change the Date’ – There are many lovely suppliers out there offering this as a free service to help anyone that has had to postpone.
Mark the date!
Don’t let your missed date go by without raising a glass or two to mark it!
It’s still a special date and one that you will always remember. Here are some of Team E’s ideas to give it a ‘cheers!’
- Enjoy a romantic meal and bottle of bubbly together on the evening that would have been the big day.
- Do something fun and and recreate your first date – this could call for extra creativity working out how to do this inside at home if it was on a beach or at a posh restaurant- but it’ll make it all the more fun and hilarious!
- Do something together at home which will mark the date visually- plant a tree together in the garden (or a pot plant in the window). Paint a room a new colour or make some artwork together which you can frame and keep. Use this time to make a perfect nest for married life
- Have a virtual ‘Houseparty’ with your bridal party, sing, dance and laugh and toast to what is yet to come.
Use this time
As we now find ourselves with quite a bit more time on our hands, it’s actually a real blessing if you have a wedding to plan (or bits to re-plan!) what better way to alleviate the boredom than to utilise it and tick off all those ‘wedding to do’s!’ such as making the perfect wedding playlist, making some DIY décor, box up and organise it all.
Get stuck into that pre-wedding workout regime so that you are feeling your best and energised to get back into planning.
It’s also a wonderful time to stop and be together. The lead up to a wedding and planning can sometimes get a little too much and you can get lost in it.
The situation we find ourselves in now is a force to stop and pause, to appreciate the beauty in the simple things and love for one another.
Breathe & Practice gratitude
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to change any of this, but you can’t postpone love….
Although we have all had to surrender to this pause in life, it means that when the time comes and your wedding day is finally here, it will be full of such gratitude, love and exuberant celebration for all of you.
For now, remember to breathe big belly breaths through the sadness and to count each and every one of your blessings every day.
Practicing gratitude for the simple things and mindfulness throughout the day will help us all through these times.
Lots of Love, Team E xx